What Should a Student Eat During Exams

Exams are critical times for almost all students. Whether he or she is good in studies or bad in studies, there has to be a lot of tension, anxiety and depression during exams. And equally all have tremendous study loads at that time. Good students struggle to secure good scores and ranks whereas bad students struggle to pass the exam and sustain. Eating right during the exams not only help the student to cope up with the extra workload but also help to remain physically and mentally healthy and strong to withstand the immense pressure.

Day by day the competition in the academic world is increasing. Everybody needs to secure good marks, good ranks, good qualifications and at the end a good career. Hence with that proportionally increasing are physical and mental stress and strain. Many students are naturally more capable to handle more stress but all are not equally equipped to do so. But the competition and struggles are the same for almost all.

Good eating habits can contribute to these conditions of students. Those who are strong also get benefited from good food, but those students who are little weak to handle such pressure get the maximum benefits from the right choice of food during exams. In this article, I would discuss mainly for those weaker students who really need the help most urgently.

Exam time is a hard time. Hard to eat, hard to sleep and really hard on work. I have seen students study even 24 hours continuous during exams. Reading fresh,  revising, cramming up and brushing through the last minute suggestions all are well inclusive within the work domains before the exam. In this situation maintaining the right health gets a challenging issue. Always things are not too visible or evident, but internally the damages are pretty high. The most tortured and damaged part is obviously the brain. Then the body also gets not much relief.

The most dangerous health threat during exams usually comes from your adrenal glands. The adrenaline rush you face for that stretch of time is really hard to bear and cope up.

Adrenaline is a very useful hormone of our body which makes our body and mind ready for a fight or a flight. That is, when you face a situation that is threatening your wellbeing or survival, then you usually have got two choices. One is to fight against the threat or the other is to flee or run away from the situation. Usually it is said to take the option of fight, but in reality the option of fight is comparatively less applicable in most situations than flight. Well let me give you some examples.

When you feel too cold then what do you do? Fight against the chilling winter night or flee from the chill by hiding yourself within your sweaters and blankets? When it is scorching hot out there then what do you do? Stand just beneath the hot sun to have a sunbath and fight the situation? Or you get inside your room with a fan or AC on? When you are hungry then what do you do? Try to fight hunger and survive or just eat some food to escape the pain in your stomach? When there is an earthquake then what do you feel to be doing? Run or dance with the boogie-woogie? And such examples are almost inexhaustible.

All these adverse stressful situations ring an alarm within our body and mind. The mechanism is controlled by the brain, spinal cord and a pair of glands on each of our kidneys which are famously known as adrenal glands. Under any stressful situation it starts to secrete hormones, of which the prime one is called adrenaline hormone.