Classroom Focus & Concentration for Students

Focus and concentration are almost similar, almost as the two faces of the same coin, apparently. But there are differences as well, a lot of it. 

Focus is a rather relative and instant based term, concentration is more deep and often time unbounded. In that way, focus is an effect of application of concentration for some purpose at some time. 

Have you heard of a person with very poor quality concentration but a high quality focus? Without adequate concentration power, one would find it very hard to maintain an ordinary level of focus for even a short period of time. 

One who has a significant amount of concentration can focus anytime on anything, on demand. Focus depends on many factors other than just the concentration and it also keeps on changing rapidly with every elapsing time. 

If concentration is the engine then focus is the wheel. Obviously if only the engine works then the wheel rotates. But working of the engine is not the only factor for the car to move and move smoothly. From punctures of the tyre to the breaking of the axle, so many things can stop the wheel from rotating. 

So for a smooth operation of the car one needs to maintain all the relevant parts in working and obviously that includes the concentration power of the brain.

Focus is an instantaneous feature of our way of doing any work or studies. The same person can be highly focused this moment and also can be very poorly focused in the next moment. 

Have you seen how the convex lens can converge sunlight on one spot to burn a piece of paper? This can be a good analogy for our current purpose. 

The concentration is the sunlight and the lens is the focus. If there is no sunlight then there cannot be focus either. And if there is ample sunlight then once the lens is not at the right position, the rays would not converge and the paper would not burn.

This way concentration and focus is interlinked and also interdependent. Often teachers are more worried about the focus of students in the classroom. But they do not have much idea about concentration. Also they need to understand that focus does not work without concentration. 

Building focus is easier than concentrating. Focus is more on habit and mindset. If a student has a positive mindset about studies and career and has some good habits of applying himself to studies and learning then there should not be any issue on focus. 

But concentration is totally a different thing. It is one of the most important equipment endowed by Nature and God to us for performing any humane task more precisely and efficiently. But acquiring and developing this equipment is one of the toughest challenges for human existence. 

Great scholars and sages tried through ages to research and find ways to develop the theory of concentration but yet not too much is not known about this mysterious and mystical source of power for humans. 

There are some basic level theories and processes defined for practicing the development of concentration. But unfortunately the global education system failed to focus itself on these matters of concentration and focus for students. 

The education systems are busy telling what to learn and what to do for better education and career. But there is not much focus on how to learn, how to do better in education. Thus the current education system boils down to a bagful of information and data. Somehow pickup the bags of information on the shoulders, at least for the temporary purpose of exams and then one gets certified as educated. 

So tough a question still so necessary to answer. Most of the human mind and consciousness are still under deep secrecy of Nature. Indian ancient texts tried to unveil the definition of mind and its function up to a considerable extent, yet insufficient. 

When we are discussing focus and concentration, then concentration has to be the first thing to develop. Without the strength of concentration, the application of focus will be almost futile and ornamental. 

One may appear to pay a lot of focus but it cannot be measured. The efficiency of such focus has to be measured by the ratio of input and output effort. Empty or vain ornamental focus cannot serve any big purpose. For smaller and more generic purposes such things still can work.

Thus to really use the focus and enhance its efficiency we would need to use our power of concentration. But most of us lack both the quantity and quality of concentration. We do not even know the ways to increase and use the power of concentration. 

With developed power of concentration the use of focus gets much easier and seamless. One would not need to work too hard or woo it much. So the real secret of the power lies in concentration and not so much in focus. 

When one is equipped with concentration, in the right amount of it, then using the focus in the right place is a matter of purpose and inspiration. Focus cannot be used or developed without a well defined purpose which is suitable and relevant to the person. 

Concentration on the other hand is a generic power, can be developed and nurtured even without any purpose or motivation whatsoever. 

A person usually is born with a specific level of concentration, depending apparently on genetics but actually there are many more variables to it. With growing mind capacity, the concentration power also grows with time. The capacity of growing and retaining concentration varies from person to person, that also depending on numerous factors or variables. 

Often modern psychology scales human intellectual and cognitive capabilities in terms of the famous IQ test and measurement standards. But intelligence is not the actual factor that determines the quality and purpose of a human existence. Rather, the level of concentration and degree of consciousness defines a human existence much better in every aspect, in every term all around.

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