How to choose maths home tutor?

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Afraid of mathematics? Worried about how to complete those home assignments? Do you feel sick and nervous on the day of your maths exam?

Feeling helpless with a lot of unsolved problems from the exercises? Feeling the need a mathematics home tutor badly? 

Well, nothing very unusual. There is a very common term called “maths anxiety”. And this is more or less present with almost every student. Even those who score good in maths also can suffer in mild maths anxiety, time to time. 


Mathematics is such a subject that can be done well by doing it like a hell. I mean you have to do quite a much of mathematics everyday to make yourself somewhat comfortable with it. You need to do it as often as you can and as more as you can, both at the school and also at your home. At your school you can easily get help from a tutor to help you solve those exercises.

But is that sufficient?

In your school classes, you get one instructor or tutor but that’s just for one period of perhaps one hour or even less. And there also your class tutor needs to solve problems of other students in your class, so in schools there are obvious lack of time and flexibility.

Doing mathematics is a highly personalized issue as one problem which can be very easily solved by you, that same problem can be tough or remain unsolved by any of your classmates. So you can see that mathematics education need a lot of consideration of personalized approaches and processes. So mathematics tutoring needs a lot of personalized approaches, which is always not much possible in the classroom environment of the school.

For that, a home tutor can guide and help the student at his home with highly personalized and customized delivery. A properly chosen mathematics home tutor can significantly improve your mathematics performance. I have seen that students of various merit levels, from quite low to the most meritorious and intelligent students, all can get significantly benefited from his home tutor. 


As we have discussed the benefit of a home tutor for better performance in mathematics, so now an obvious question arises, how to choose the right home tutor?

Choosing the right mathematics tutor can be a tough job as nowadays there is a huge upsurge in the number of home tutors in India and many of them have quite good academic performance including good marks and certificates in mathematics. So now we discuss some basic guidelines by following which you can choose the right maths home tutor. 

When you will start your search of a maths tutor, the first questions that will obviously arise are about his qualifications and about his experiences. I would like to say that the talent and skills of mathematics does not too much depend on his qualifications and experiences.

It more depends on his connections and affinity with mathematics. This world and also our country India have seen many great mathematics talents without significant formal qualifications. But when the question is of tutoring, experience of the tutor can play an important role, so it is evident that for a mathematics home tutor his experiences are more important than his qualifications.

But still, I agree this also that formal qualifications can be an easy and ready recognition supporting the possibility of performance as a mathematics tutor. So where can we find one right? 

If this is the question that is spinning in your head right now, then I would say it is very easy to find one right maths tutor for you …it’s just a matter of a little search on the internet. We can take the help of any online tutor provider website or portal, these kinds of online tutor providers usually have a good database of various types of maths tutor.

You just need to consult them with your specific needs and requirements. Always be very open and bold to speak out your requirements and expectations from the beginning otherwise you will keep open the doors of dissatisfactions with the choice of your teacher. 

As qualification bar of a person as a mathematics tutor are not too high so we can find one good tutor without much pain and obstacles hopefully. If your monetary budget is restricted then I would suggest to go for a senior student or a working person, or a housewife, as they are available as a part-time tutor with much price benefits.

If budget permits you can also search for a regular full-time professional tutor. You can even get a retired person to teach you mathematics, but I personally will not recommend it in most of the cases as younger tutors can perform better in terms of brain efficiency and flexibility. But of course, if that retired person is a mathematician or a scientist who has done mathematics almost all his life then my above proposition is obviously ridiculous. 

In mathematics education, flexibility and adaptability is a big question because in one hand mathematics itself is a very multidimensional subject, even a single problem can be tackled by various different methods.

And on the other hand, a student of mathematics can have his unique set of strengths and weaknesses which the tutor needs to understand and discover and adjust, optimize and improvise on those for the wholesome benefit of the student.

And you will be really surprised with what I am going to say you just now….when your brain is optimized and improvised for mathematical intelligence and understandings then I can almost bet that you will most naturally and most obviously feel more confident and relaxed with all other subjects of your school curriculum and not only that, even your day to day daily performance and decision making will also improve… 

Surprised? Well, we can discuss this later in some other article as this topic is beyond the scope of our current topic of finding a tutor. 

So now you are almost aware of what to search and where to search for your mathematics tutor. For your convenience, I am shortlisting some frequently asked questions that you can ask when you will start to search for your home tutor. 

  1. Since how long you are a maths tutor?
  2. Please! can I know something about your qualifications?
  3. Are you comfortable and conversant in one to one mathematics home tutoring?
  4. Do you also teach to groups or coaching batches?
  5. Have you tutored a student of my grade before?
  6. What do you think about my merit or intelligence and understanding and how do you plan to teach a student like me? 
  7. Please sir, may I know what will be your fees for me? 

These are some very basic questions that are to be essentially asked before you make a decision to get your mathematics tuition from a home tutor. Once you are happy with the answers and interactions, and if his fees goes well with your budget then congratulations….you have got your mathematics home tutor… 


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