Hello parents…I am writing this article for you, who are parents of children of upto 18 years of age. Your child’s education is most important for you, as I suppose, and choosing a good home tutor for your dear son or daughter is always not an easy task.
I will try here to sketch some guidelines that can help you to choose the preferably best home tutor for your son or daughter.
I can understand that it is not at all easy and compromising issue when it is about your child’s education. This childhood education, this starting of building the life of a new human in this world is undoubtedly the most important contribution for the next of whole life of that child.
This time will determine a lot about his or her future life, career and character, lifestyle and living, and overall well-being.
If this time is wrong or not appropriate for the wholesome and holistic growth of the child’s body, mind, education, personality then that can create a lot of hurdles, mishaps, problems and misfortunes with your dearest child throughout his or her life.
So as a parent I can understand your responsibilities and I am here to make you also understand the same. If you already understand then I will add on to it and otherwise I will try to influence you to think about your responsibilities.
This article is one out of many in the series of articles to come which will be directed and dedicated for giving a better world, a better environment for your child so that we will get e better citizen of the world out of your child in future. So it is your responsibility and also our responsibility as well.
Choice of Home Tutor
Let’s start our discussion in this article with the choice of a home tutor. So first let us see why at all a home tutor is needed for your child. Well if both of you parents are working then you are supposed to not have enough time to spare for your child’s education.
This is a major problem with working parents. Yes, you can outsource your participation and contribution to your child’s education by delegating it to one or perhaps many home tutors…
But do you think! this way you can really outsource your care and responsibilities of a parent to someone who is just coming to your house for a couple of hours for his earning?
For the home tutor, this is his job and for you it is about your own child…do you think both are same?
If not then always remember that just choosing the best home tutor for your child is not everything you can do for your child… this is just one step, one responsibility as a parent.
And as your child’s education starts, and as he will grow, remember your responsibilities as parent will also grow…it is something directly proportional not inversely.
Child’s first teacher
It is obvious that a child’s first teacher is his or her mother. And the first classroom in this world is the mother’s womb. There the child’s body and mind learns many things….like how to digest food, assimilate nutrition, how to move the limbs, and so on.
His mind also starts learning there from the mother’s mind, her culture and cultivations.
It is already there in our ancient scriptures like Mahabharata and also modern doctors and psychologists found that the environment and culture the mother lives with, have potential and considerable impact on the growth of personality of the child in future.
So we can obviously say that the natural best home tutor for a child is his own mother. And of course, the second-best home tutor can be his or her father.
Now an obvious question arises, where is the need of another home tutor and if really needed then what would be the right time to get one.
As I already said before that for a small child, below the age group of 3 years, the mother is the best home tutor and the father is the second-best home tutor.
Now, two different case can usually arise, one is parents are too busy and cannot provide there child with enough quality time. And the second case can be parents are available and can give considerable amount of time with the child.
In the first case it is easy to realize the need of a good and reliable home tutor who can complement the time deficiency of the parents.
Watch the word “compliment” that I used in above sentence. I wanted to mean that even if there is a very best home tutor for the child still the necessity of parents to give enough time and togetherness to the child is without any substitute and alternative.
So a good home tutor cannot replace the need of good mother and father and the good time a child can spent with them, but can be expected to complement the time given by parents to add more values to the child’s learning and growth.
Need Exposure to Different Subjets
As the child grows, he needs some more different exposures to different subjects of education and different learning environment. As your child will start going to school, there he will get different environments, many different teachers for his education and academic developments.
But often the child initially fails to adapt to the environment of the school, takes time to get used to with new teachers and thus the overall learning process gets delayed or hampered.
This is not much desirable situation neither for the parents nor for the school. The best possible solution for this problem can be a home tutor.
In my opinion, if a child is learning with a home tutor besides his parents, then he gets a bit comfortable and easy on acquaintance and learning from people other than his mother or father.
This helps positively from the very first day of school the child starts as he or she steps out of home.
So as we are perhaps little convinced about the need of a good home tutor for your baby child, the next question arises about how to find that best home tutor for your child.
In the case we are currently discussing, we took the age of the child as below 3 years. This age group is sometimes called toddler.
The learning and development process of a child varies too much with the stage and age of the child, and thus the criteria and requirements of a home tutor for infant group below 3 years are much different than the criteria of home tutor for higher age groups.
So here at first, we will discuss about home tutors for children below 3 years. Students below 3 years of age are very specially able in terms of inter-person communication.
A home tutor will require a lot of child communication skills in order to properly communicate with his student. Patient, calm-headed, very understanding and empathic are just a few qualities to mention that the best home tutor should possess.
So when you opt for any home tutor from any source, you must make a few things clear before the finalization. High academic degree is not required for the tutor of an infant child, rather sometimes it can act as negative.
Instead, if he or she have a certificate of montessori training then that is very desirable. Even I would suggest a female tutor over a male one, as handling and caring of a small child below 3 years comes usually and spontaneously best with a female tutor.
The tutor must be well experienced with teaching to such a small child. And preferably he or she be from the nearest locality as the number of teaching sessions per week can be up to once a day for 5 days of the week.
Otherwise traveling everyday may lead to mental and physical exhaustion which can adversely affect his or her concentration on your child.
Tutor require concentration
Home tutors requires to have a lot of concentration and patience in order to properly communicate with the child.
If you need a really best home tutor for your child, then you have to check whether he or she is properly informed and equipped with different scientific child education procedures including efficient use of educational toys and tools.
If he or she have a montessori training then that is good, otherwise at least he or she must have enough exposure and experience with this modern scientific methodologies.
You also need to procure and provide those modern tools and toys for proper mind-body development of your dear child.
So now I can suppose that you, as a parent, have got some idea about why and how to choose the best home tutor for your child and also how to do right parently participation in your child’s life for education and development.
With this I would like to end this article here.
We have discussed about choosing home tutor of child below 3 years when he or she can be called a toddler.
In my next article of this series, I will discuss about how to choose the best home tutor for children of age range 3 – 5, 5 – 12 and 12 – 18 age ranges.
Please stay in touch if your child belongs to any of these age ranges….and otherwise also someday soon your child will belong to these age ranges one by one….so you have got nothing to relax about…