How To Protect Your Eyes from Electronic Screen Disorder

Students are spending more time with electronic screens. From schools to home tutions, everywhere they are using smart phones and computers. The pandemic lockdowns enforced online classes on students of all classes from junior to senior. That increased the electronic screen exposure even more than ever before. Protection of eyes became one of the most important health issues for students.

Technologies have lots of benefits but at the cost of as many or sometimes even more damages (for us and also for the environment). Before extensively using a technology we need to ascertain the weightage of its pros and cons. 

Electronic screen is such a technology that we should not use too much but we cannot even do much without it. The situation is a severe bottleneck. 

We have to accept that we are almost bound to use it in some form or another. So it becomes critically important to arrange for maximum safety measures and protection from them. One of the most easy and effective safety measures can be minimizing the use of electronic screens. 

For that, you may need to use it once in a couple of days or even less. But that way one cannot use it for daily office work or studies. Hence these methods do not traverse more depth in the practical days of a person, usually. Then what can be the other measures that one can take?

You may be wondering why I am discussing food and that also at the very first place in this article on digital screen and its effects or side effects. Afterall what relation can there be between digital damage and foods?

Let me explain. When we are discussing any organ or system of our human body then food essentially constitutes a very important factor, sometimes the most important factor also. 

Every organ of human beings undergoes depreciation with passing time and age. How much depreciation, that depends on too many factors and we  are not falling within our scope of discussion over here. Let us understand and accept that there can be a good amount of depreciation and hence we need to find out ways to protect ourselves from it. 

Depreciation can be out of many causes, including lifestyle, age and environment. We live in the era of intense pollution, in many different aspects. Our lifestyle is also usually not always so healthy. These, along with other reasons, made the issue of depreciation a more relevant matter nowadays than ever before. 

There is not available any sure or best way to counter the effects of these factors on our organs and resultant issues like depreciation. But by certain methods we can try to decrease the negative effects, perhaps minimize it as far as possible. Among those methods, proper food and nutrition is one of the main factors. 

Now what should we understand by good or proper food when the question is on eyes? Not all food equally serves the purpose of keeping the eyes healthy, some does it better whereas others not so good. It is true that all food or all good food is expected to and actually also does provide a lot of calories. These calories (if they are good calories) are essential for our body functional systems to run properly and efficiently. 

In that way, every good food has some good effects on our eyes also. Even eyes also need good calories, they also consume enough energy. But just having your food for calorie and energy is not at all sufficient and better choice. Besides good calories, you would need to take many other types of nutrients in order to anyhow imagine that your eyes will really get much benefitted and be protected from many factors of depreciation. 

There are many other factors that can affect our eyes even if we are not using any electronic screen, or may be using it at a very nominal and insignificant duration. Most common of them are ARED (Age Related Eye Disorders or Diseases), which is actually a time based depreciation of eyes and vision system. ARED at very old ages are most common and expected, though always not so mandatory. But ARED at earlier ages, or premature ARED are found in large numbers, out of which a major portion uses electronic screens and that also usually for extended time periods.  

ARED and all other eye disorders generated by use or often overuse of electronic screens are really hard to prevent. In today’s world one cannot do without electronic screens, both in the professional and personal sectors. So staying away or avoiding it is not always possible or the best choice. But with due precautions and protections, one can lower the intensities of the disorders and also somewhat lower the probability of such incidents of disorders or diseases. And your food can easily become one good protector of your eyes, even if you are using electronic screens.

Right vitamins, with the right amount of other nutrients like protein can protect your eyes from any kind of diseases and disorders, including electronic screen related disorders to a very significant extent. Vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C are most essential for proper eye health. Other than these, minerals like zinc and copper play vital roles. Beta-carotene and omega-3 fatty acids are also very beneficial for the eyes and protect from all kinds of stress disorders and ARED that can happen due to extended use of electronic screens. 

Just knowing that good food or nutrition can give good benefits to the eyes, or just knowing the names of the nutrients would not actually do much benefit unless you can adopt those nutrients in your daily food lifestyle. 

All good food contains good nutrition, but not all good food contains all types of nutrition. Some food may contain some nutritions in significant quantities, whereas some other foods may contain some other nutritions. In the same way, there are some foods, in which those nutrients which are useful for the good health of eyes are available in good quantities. 

I am mentioning just some of the most important foods which students can use for their benefits of eye health. Students who spend long hours with computers or mobile phones, in this era of digitized education methods, internet and online classes, would need more support which these foods can provide easily. 

  • Nuts and Legumes

All varieties of nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. There are many varieties of nuts, from very costly walnuts and almonds to comparatively much cheaper peanuts. All are very good for the eyes.

Legumes are often even more accessible and cheaper than nuts. They also contain a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, some minerals and a good amount of healthy protein and fat. Thus both nuts and legumes can be safely and surely consumed by the students, who are especially hard working by their eyes also. 

  •  Carrots

This vegetable perhaps does not need too much introduction. We all know it well right from our very early childhood. By turning a little older, we have already come to know that carrots are among the best sources of vitamin A, beta carotene and related synthesis and consumption products and processes.

  • Leafy Green Vegetables

They are very good natural sources of vitamin C and minerals like zinc. They often contain high quantities of some other vitamins and nutritions. Every student should find and like to eat more leafy green vegetables. But on the contrary it can more easily be found that students do not usually like green leafy vegetables and thus consume too little of them. 

  • Seeds

Just like nuts and legumes, seeds are also very important for overall health and wellbeing including eye health of both students and tutors. Seeds also contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Besides healthy calories, seeds also provide a very good amount of protein. Thera are also enough fiber and other minerals and vitamins, which together give too much health benefit to the students including their eyes. 

  • Citrous Fruits

We all know that such fruits are very rich in vitamin C, beside other vitamins and nutrients. These fruits are always good for anyone including all students and teachers. 

These were just a few foods, though very important ones, which are very rich in vitamins and minerals which are required for better eye health. Students, especially computer students or students who need to spend long hours in front of a computer screen, or a mobile phone screen, should take these foods on a regular basis for better protection and performance of his or her eyes. 

As it goes by the name, supplements means that it covers up the nutritional deficits left by natural foods. We should try to take good quality balanced foods, so that most of our nutritional requirements of vitamins and minerals are provided naturally. This is the ideal case. 

But in reality, most often our foods are not capable of providing sufficient nutritional values. There can be multiple reasons for this. It can be defects or bad practices of our own food habits, it can be due to inferior quality food products, it can be improper ways of preparing or cooking the food or it can even be the environment. 

Whatever be the reason, students with extreme performance pressure and study load, cannot afford too much to take chances with their health especially the eyes. So, most often there can arise some needs for a good supplementation process. So that all the potholes and vacuum left by his or her food habits can be overcomed to a considerable and significant extent. 

Now the question arises on what type or kind of supplements. There can be too many varieties of supplements in the market, and everyone does not need all. You need to choose and select the right one for you. And that becomes the toughest part of the whole story, I suppose. But you can always find a doctor around your neighborhood, who can help you if you can explain your requirements of eye vitamins depending on your type of studies and activities. 

Those students who are extensive computer users, obviously need more and more care. There are some very general categories of health supplements, like some milk based health drinks and beverages. There are available over-the-counter vitamins, which you can find out through a pharmacist. Every medicine shop usually and ideally contains one or more pharmacists. 

But one important thing we need to remember. Natural vitamins and minerals are usually more effective than their synthetic counterparts, as they are more bio-accessible. So it will be a better idea for every student and teacher to emphasize more on natural food habits in place of artificial or processed food habits.

One more thing we need to take care about is the quality of the supplements. If the student needs to take supplements in any form then the obvious question arises on the choice and quality of the available supplements in the market. It is always better to use trusted and medicated sources of supplements and avoid those from companies who offer some kind of great benefits or magical results. Afterall supplements are not for some magic or miracle, they must be within the range of our daily food. Many less known or less trusted companies can provide things that they are not supposed to, which can be less beneficial or even sometimes can be harmful. It will always be better to consult expert advice for any kind of supplemental plans. 

Dry eye syndrome is a common disorder that nowadays can be found in many people especially who are using any kind of electronic screens for extended periods of time. Sometimes, when lower in intensity, people fail to realize it, still he may be suffering from this disorder. This happens to most of the teachers and students, as they usually use their eyes to a considerable fatigue level. 

When the eyes are overstrained, they need more watering. The lacrimal (tear)  glands. They are small glands located just above the eyelids and are responsible for secreting water to the eyes. We call it tears, especially when high in quantity. Due to constant strain on eyes and hence constant requirement of watering these glands become overworked and fatigued. The production of tears gets affected.

If the eyes are not properly watered and moistened, there arises more chances to eye strain and fatigue and also more susceptible to infections and injuries due to flying particles in air. Students need to take care of this to avoid further damage to their eyes. 

If the disorder reaches to the level of discomfort, then the student or the teacher must consult a doctor of eyes (ophthalmologist). He may do a thorough checkup and prescribe an eye drop for moisturizing and lubricating the eyes. Using such a drop can relieve the eyes from further stress and strain due to dryness and relieve associated discomforts and risks. 

But with that we also need to understand that those drops do not actually cure dry eye syndrome, but just provide support to alleviate the associated symptoms, produce relief and reduce dangers of further damages. As none of them actually cures the disorder, students and teachers all need to take utmost care to not overstrain their eyes and increase the dry eye disorder. The phrase – prevention is better than cure, most obviously and compulsively fits and applies here. So we all must take care. 

When talking on water of eyes, drinking water also finds its seamless entry into the discussion. Water we intake by drinking plays numerous roles in our body to maintain our health and wellbeing. Eyes are also parts of our body and hence are equally benefited by water. 

Drinking sufficient water everyday would ensure better production of natural tears in our eyes, thus better watering and moisturizing our eyes. We can prevent and protect dry eyes to a significant level by just having enough drinking water. 

This statement is somewhat self-contradictory. Because in reality, computer users usually sleep less. Not only extensive computer users, but also extensive mobile phone or any other electronic screen users tend to sleep less. This is one great disadvantage of electronic screens. It disturbs the natural sleep process by reducing both the quantity and quality of our sleep. But for students and teachers, working with computers is their professional compulsions and requirements, hence cannot be prescribed to stop use of electronic screens. 

But if one follows certain regulations and measures, then he can minimize such effects on the eyes. And among such measures and regulations, sleep almost takes the place of the most important factor. Without adequate sleep, your eyes would be among the first organs which will suffer. The brain suffers the most. So good sleep is among the most essentials for students and teachers.