Republic Day of India

From Science to Spirituality, from Meditation to Music, from Medicine to Martial Arts, from Education to Business……one can hardly find any division of wisdom, knowledge and opulence which has not its origin on this land of India. India was the land of wisdom, knowledge and opulence with undisputed global supremacy. 

But more than 1000 years of foreign invasions and rule have eroded that glory and charisma. Allured by India’s opulence, numerous foreign invaders started to invade this land for ruling or looting or both and it continued till India at last got its freedom in 1947. 

This Republic Day of India on 26 January 1950 was a monumental day for independent India after 15 August 1947 when India was officially declared independent from British rule.

What is Republic Day of India?

This day the Constitution of India became effective for independent India. India got independence on 15 August 1947. But the making of the constitution takes time to get written and implemented. On this date of 26 January 1950, the Constitution of India got effective and thus this day became the Republic Day for India.

Which Number Republic Day is 2023?

Today India celebrates the 74th Republic Day.

Who is the main person to write the Constitution of India?

Writing the constitution of a country is a humongous task and for that a committee was set up under the chairmanship of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar on 29 August 1947. It took almost 3 years to write and finalize the Constitution of India. 

What is the Constitution of India?

The Constitution of India is the primary and supreme law book of India. It draws the framework for all the other rules and laws as well as the fundamental political code for democratic India. It defines the fundamental rights and codes of a citizen of democratic India. 

How is Republic Day Celebrated in India?

Whole of India celebrates the Republic Day with great respect and enthusiasm. All the State Governments as well the Central Union Government celebrate this day at their own respective cities. The celebrations start with hoisting the Flag of India.

The 3 divisions of defense forces (Army, Navy and Airforce) together with all the paramilitary as well as police forces celebrate this day with the respective state and central governments. They organize parades and cultural demonstrations to portray the unity among cultural diversity of this country. 

Also different government, public and private organizations hoist the National Flag to celebrate this day. 

Groups and individual citizens also celebrate this day by hoisting the Flag, singing patriotic songs and so on.