Walk At Your Home

It can sound weird to say that we should walk more at home. But such is the situation now. We are confining ourselves within a small area of our apartment and every necessity and amenities are reaching us just by some clicks or calls. This can be very detrimental for our health. We need to engage ourselves in enough physical exertions and exhautions so that all the nerves and cells of our body do not forget that we actually can move.

Before houses used to be large and there used to be umpteen excuses to get out and get walking. But today everything seems to go the reverse. We need to find hard for an excuse to get walking. We don’t like to walk. Even very short distances are also commuted by some mode of vehicle. Everything is transforming into online mode and now we can do all our shopping right from our home. Home deliveries are perhaps the most happening and high volume used word among seller and buyer. 

This situation can lead to extensive health damage in future for people of all ages. I have enough doubt on the health and fitness of the future generation. And if this situation cannot be handled properly and constructively then the whole nation will become a sick nation and the whole world a sick world. 

The first and foremost remedy to this is of course physical exercise. But not all like to workout. Not all ages are suitable for the same. But good health is essential for all. Walking is perhaps the most common natural exercise that we can do anytime anyway. All ages and almost all fitness levels can walk except in some too sick ones. 

And exactly this is the reason I write this article on walking whereas I should have written on many other forms of exercise. That I would do later but now I would like to insist on walking as the most basic and most possible form of exercise which is also the most necessary. If you do all other forms of exercise but not even a little walking then I am pretty much convinced that you will never have your fitness in proper form. 

Even if you are not fond of working out or may be too lazy for that and maybe you do not have much time either then also I can become your walking consultant and find gaps and times for your walking. Or maybe I can invent some excuse for you to walk! But I insist you have to walk. Just like the way you eat and sleep you also have to walk with equal emphasis and importance. 


Why Walk at Home

This can be a big question for some and a very obvious conclusion for others. Those who are having enough opportunity to get out from home for the purpose of work or shop or something else they will ask “why walk at home?”. Those who are not finding time and opportunity for going out of home for at least once in a couple of days will ask questions like “how walk at home?”. 

For those who find time to go out I will suggest to keep options to walk at home as well because there can be and will be days when they will also find themselves confined within home. Rain and other natural issues are not uncommon. And post-corona era people would not ask too many questions on this as we all have experienced months of federal lockdown in the past couple of years. We cannot take it for granted that such situations are not possible to happen again. 

Now for those who will ask how to walk at home I am writing the next portion of this article. Many people have concerns over health but actually have zero or very less ideas and conceptions on how to adopt and adapt to good health practices and habits. This article will benefit the most to such people. 


Find More Excuses to Walk at Home

We usually try to find less reasons to get up and walk. That is not a good idea. We need to find not only reasons but over it some more excuses to do some more walking. Keep your daily usable things farther from where you sit or lie. So that every time you will need your spectacles or headphones or pen or even the smartphone you need to get up and get walk. 

Clean your home daily. Keep dusters and wipes ready for this. It has two benefits. You will use your feets more and your home will be clean even more. Keep your water bottles either in the kitchen or on a table far from your chair or bed. And drink small sips of water at a time, maybe a couple of sips every half hour or so. Then every time you will need water you have to get up from your chair or bed and move your body to get a sip. But before doing this you have to ensure that you will count your daily litres of water consumption to at least 4 litres a day. Otherwise out of laziness to reach your bottle of water you may result yourself into dehydration and that will be worse instead of good. 

Do you listen to music?

Most probably the answer will be affirmative. Don’t listen on the couch. Get your headphones on and walk around the home as you listen. You can watch Youtube videos or other audiovisuals also as you keep strolling around your rooms and corridors. 

Do you have staircases in your house?

If yes then beside walking up and down it can become an effective cardiorespiratory training device. But only healthy adults are going to avail it and elder people should avoid this part of walking. Young and fit adults can choose to walk up and down the stairs multiple times to burn calories and get fit. Exercise routines and charts can even be written for workout on the stairs. But that gets to a little advanced level and let us keep this article for walking of all people of almost all ages and all fitness. 

What happens when one is too sick?

Well in such cases walking automatically gets too restricted and limited. Still in many cases doctors suggest walking a bit for limbic movements and blood circulation. So whatever is our condition or situation we should try to walk daily. Better walk outdoors and if not possible then do it indoors and find or create more and more opportunities to walk.