When Teacher is the Blogger

Teaching by technology is no more a myth or imaginary, so why should teachers not access them for better teaching?

We all use technologies in some form or other right from the start of our days till we do not fall asleep. Even when sleeping we usually use a lot of derivatives of technologies like the fan or AC, bed, room and building, and so many more.

If such is the case then what can be the good reason to not to get technology directly involved in teaching and learning also. And exactly this has been happening for quite some time. We can find the intrusion of technology, specially the computer and internet based ones to enter and create a major impact in the education space. 

Blogging is one such addition to the education space and we are trying here to figure out how teachers can make some benefit out of this for their teaching and pedagogy purposes. 

It has become a global consensus that teachers can do and use blogging for their students to assist in learning and create a motivation factor for better learning. Teachers are writing blogs in both public spaces and restricted spaces where only the students or institutional members can view. Obviously in most cases the type and target of blogs from both the spaces do vary to a considerable extent. 

When a teacher would start a blog, a few things are needed to get clear right from the beginning. It is not that things cannot be changed later, because things are supposed to change for the better. But to get a few things settled at the beginning will give less bumps to your way for speed. 

This is one such thing that needs to be settled way before the actual starting of the blog. Without the purpose clear it will be like wandering in the forest without even the compass. Anyone will be lost and thus can waste all effort and resources. 

For a teacher there can be two main choices of purposes. One is ought to be for direct welfare of studies of students. Other than that there can be multiple dimensions. For a good teacher, influencing and leadership qualities matter a lot in the development of the total academic environment around him. 

His demonstration of authority on his subjects and sometimes the overall education process can bear a very significant outcome in his teaching career as well as his students’ academic life and performances. Being a inspirational and motivational factor within students and sometimes also within parents and fellow teachers or administration of the school, college or university (whichever applicable for any particular case) do matter a lot in the progress of education in a holistic sense. 

Blogging is such a tool or window that can open these kinds of influence building opportunities for the teachers. Through this window they can reach out to his students and all others with his ideas and ideologies around his subjects of pursuit and teaching. 

Both institutional or restricted blogging as well as public blogging offers these kinds of benefits. Though when compared more analytically, public blogging can create even more influence and authority at the level of charisma and in many cases with equivalent economic endowments. 

When the blogging has to be done specifically for some defined academic development of students, then restricted blogging, i.e. blogging with a restricted audience of the students only can give many benefits. Some institutions can host their own blogging space with a restricted audience of their students, fellow faculties and administration. 

Teachers may also run a blog space at their solo private initiative as nowadays development in computer and internet technologies has made running a website or a blog quite cheap and accessible. And things are going to be more accessible in the coming days. 

Thus determining the exact purpose of the blog can make us make better decisions about the audience accessibility of the blogging space, type and category of blogs, platform of the blog and such other factors right from the beginning. We can discuss the type and category of the blogs and the platform of the blog to many depths and hence I spare them for some dedicated articles to come in future from me in this KridhaTutor Blog. 

The benefits of blogging for teachers depends on the purpose of it. As I discussed above, there can be more than one dimensional purpose, thus the benefits are also equivalently multidimensional. 

When the purpose is mainly study and pedagogy oriented, then blogging can generate a lot of scope for distribution of curricular as well as extracurricular study materials. With zero printing and paper costs, there lies no limitations or boundaries regarding the quantity of such study materials.

There can be additional space for student interactions in comment and feedback modes, which can make it more stimulating and encouraging for the students to read and react on the readables. By the process there can be multilayer teacher-student communication and the teacher will be able to figure out the potentiality of his students in a more flexible and creative way. Traditional exams and methods cannot provide this flexibility and creativity. 

When it is institutional blogging, then there can be many added benefits. And that can directly impact the teaching career of the teacher himself. He can get a window to establish his academic and professional qualities of teaching to not only his students but also to fellow faculties and the administration. 

As I said above, one can even build a reputation and charisma on his subject through blogging which will inspire his students and also provide immense benefits in his teaching career. It is like the teacher has got almost infinite scope to write books, research papers, articles and everything of that sort but all of that at almost nil or negligible cost. 

Standard texts and study materials are usually more rigid but through blogging a teacher can get additional scope to distribute for flexible study materials and other resources for the benefit of the students. He can create a very creative combination of curricular and extracurricular materials in order to stimulate student interest in any area of study. 

Not only reading the blogs but the students can be provided much more opportunity to engage in those study materials in more than one ways, including possible microblogging in comment sections or even more at the will of the teacher. Thus the students can be urged not only in passive learning but to a significant level of active learning.